Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stained Glass Project #2

I have started my second project. The canvas is a 4x2 fluorescent light. Originally, I was going to just rip it out and replace it with a normal light fixture.......but no...that would just be far too easy. The light has a strip down the middle of it, cutting it into two 2x2 pieces, so technically this will be stained glass project 2 and 3, but since they will be the pretty much the same pieces, I am just counting it as one project.

The canvas.....

So, it is started. I just cut out most of the light green glass, but I did not quite get enough of it today......so a return trip to the stained glass shop is in order. I still have to buy the white glass also an then the glass cuts will be done. I need to find a 24-hour stained glass shop...here it is so far....

One of the 2x2 sections....


JWC said...

Awesome looking project - beautiful color combination!

Doug said...

It never looks like much until you get it soldered together and then it looks completely different....hopefully it will be done by sometime next week!